Raising Standards in Tutoring, Together

Tutors You Can Trust

Qualified Tutor is a leading organisation dedicated to the professional development and wellbeing of tutors. Our free directory connects you with certified tutoring professionals.

Why Qualified Tutor?

Founded in 2019, Qualified Tutor was established to help parents and students find trustworthy, reliable tutors with ease. As a professional membership organization, we’re dedicated to advancing the professionalism and well-being of tutors.

We provide a global community, top-tier training, certifications, and essential credentials to ensure tutors are well-equipped, confident, and supported in their roles.

We’re not an agency—we charge no commission. Connecting with any of our certified tutors.

Our Services

Qualified Tutor offers a range of services designed to support both tutors and parents. From certification to community support, we have everything you need to succeed.


Find a Tutor


Tutor Training


Community Membership


Certification Programme


Weekly Events

Qualiifed Tutor is leading the way in educating parents in how to make the best choices when looking for tutors for their children.

Dee Atkins-Greig tutor

Dorcas Atkins-Greig

Certified Tutor

I really appreciate the work Qualified Tutor are putting into raising standards within the tutoring community and the training and support they put in place for tutors. 

Julia Crocker

Certified Tutor

Joining Qualified Tutor has already made a difference to the way I work. The team and the community are extremely supportive.

Sarah Webb

Certified Tutor

In developing both my credentials as a professional and my tuition business overall, Qualified Tutor provides an excellent role and an inspiring service. 

Deborah Delacroix

Certified Tutor

Events for Parents and Tutors

Qualified Tutor Events offer a dynamic range of online workshops and networking opportunities for tutors, tutoring business owners, and parents, designed to transform your tutoring experience.

Fortnightly on Mondays at 11am, join ‘Be the Tutor Your Student Needs’ with Julia Silver and other experts to refine your tutoring skills. Tuesdays at 11am, the ‘Tutoring Business Club’ provides exclusive coaching for business owners, while the ‘Independent Tutors Club’ offers growth strategies for solo tutors. Parents seeking the ideal tutor for their child can benefit from expert advice on alternate Wednesdays at 11am. Each Thursday at 11am, explore ‘Tips, Tricks and Tools for Tutors’ and engage in live discussions on LinkedIn with ‘QT Conversations’ hosted by Julia Silver. With such a varied and enriching schedule, elevate your tutoring journey and professional network every week.

Find the Perfect Tutor for Your Child

Ensure your child receives the best educational support by exploring our free directory of certified tutors. Each tutor has been rigorously vetted to guarantee quality and integrity. Start your search today and give your child the advantage they deserve.