by puremarketing | Jul 8, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Love Tutoring Festival, Strategies
In our drive towards making the content that Qualified Tutor produces more accessible, Jack Simmonds (Course Facilitator and all-round good guy) has taken the time to transcribe the conversation from our Late Night Live Podcasts – this is Monday’s conversation. Have a read!
by puremarketing | Jun 18, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Love Tutoring Festival
Helen Osmond, a well experienced Maths tutor herself, takes us through why every tutor, Maths-based or not, should attend Judy Brice’s Monday afternoon event at the Festival. (Hint: the lessons from Maths anxiety can be transposed to other subjects too …)
by puremarketing | Jun 17, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Love Tutoring Festival
Amanda Cremona introduces Jack Churchill and Julia Clouter, who will be speaking on Day 1 at the Festival. An inspirational duo with a life-changing product for many students, don’t miss out …
by puremarketing | Jun 2, 2021 | Challenges, Community, Education
At a time of heightened scrutiny on the Government’s apparent reliance on tutoring, Ludo provides a solution. Come and see what tutors can actually do, at the Love Tutoring Festival starting Monday 28th June …
by puremarketing | Apr 28, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Exams, Strategies
As discussed in the QT Community, exam preparation is a large part of the work that tutors do. While many tutors do not want to focus their attention here, it is an unavoidable aspect of the school system. Here, Helen Osmond breaks down one of the trickiest questions that many tutors face …
by puremarketing | Mar 17, 2021 | Challenges, Online Tutoring, Strategies
Alex Ovolen provides all of us with 3 simple strategies to implement to increase and maintain engagement online. Hint: #2 is our favourite and the one tip that most tutors will ignore …