by puremarketing | Jan 18, 2023 | Business of Tutoring, Challenges
Do you miss working with others?
For many of us in the world of running our own businesses we have moved from louder locations. With staff rooms, water coolers, and meetings to collect insights & support from.
by puremarketing | Jan 10, 2023 | Challenges, Education, Strategies
In Jack’s final piece of this series, he approaches the sometimes difficult topic of ‘love’ in the tutoring environment.
Of course, this does not mean romance. It means trust, it means belief, it means perseverance.
This eloquent, and elegant, article teaches us to understand the pitfalls of loving your craft, and the ways in which we can create a trustful environment to protect against these pitfalls.
by puremarketing | Jan 6, 2023 | Challenges, Community, Strategies
Jack produces his penultimate instalment of this SEND series, with a fabulous piece on understanding, as tutors, our role in the whole education of the child, and the importance of creating a community feel.
The key is understanding what you have to bring in the moment, and accepting that that might not always be what you might consider ‘perfect’. Hopefully, though, it will be (at least) ‘a little better’ than what the student has had before.
by puremarketing | Dec 17, 2022 | Challenges, Education, Ideology
“Labels are useful for people with them to access the support they are entitled to.”
One of several informative lines from Jack’s latest piece, on the concept of labels, diagnosis and problem-solving.
by puremarketing | Dec 11, 2022 | Challenges, Community, Education, Resources, Strategies
Anthonia Eddo returns to pen the second part of her series on classroom or outdoor lesson plans – this time, the focus is on building and ensuring a safe and stimulating environment. Packed full of great ideas and helpful insights, enjoy Anthonia’s ideas and let us know which you have made or will make use of …
by puremarketing | Dec 7, 2022 | Challenges, Education, Ideology, Strategies
Jack returns for his second instalment with a powerful piece about shared understanding in behaviour. The reaction, and response, to behaviour is rarely anything but totally unique – the way you see it might not be the way it’s seen. Is the phrase “Everybody knows …” really just a cover for ignoring others’ responses and experiences?