by puremarketing | Dec 16, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Interviews, Strategies
“I want to bring about change and increase diversity in the world of tech”. This is the dream of speaker, writer and tech innovator, Carolyn Adagala. Who’s with Carolyn?
by puremarketing | Dec 8, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Strategies
Jack Simmonds, QT’s incredible Lead Facilitator, returns for a new blog series, following on from his highly informative Language Matters series.
Here, Jack kicks us off with a look at the area of Confirmation Bias and how it can (negatively) impact a child’s understanding of their own ability.
by puremarketing | Dec 5, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Strategies
In the final part of his series on the importance of language, Jack Simmonds takes us through the (negative) impact of the phrase “Use your words.”
Instead, Jack suggests some alternative ways of approaching this situation and gives helpful guidance on the key areas to avoid in order to facilitate a more understanding relationship between educator and student.
by puremarketing | Nov 13, 2021 | Challenges, Education, FEATURED, Ideology
“Until you treat the wound, the plaster does nothing. And, as we know, most plasters run out of ‘stick’ before the wound has healed.”
Charlotte Watson has an excellent analogy for the initiatives that have been aimed at teachers for the past 20 years. It’s time for change.
Could tutors be a start?
by puremarketing | Nov 11, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties
Jack returns for #4 in his new mini-series on the importance of language, and here, communication.
Have you heard of ‘expressive’ and ‘receptive’ communication? Now’s the time to jump in and learn about how and why some individuals may struggle with communication, including you yourself.
“Communication is much more than language”. Let’s hear it, Jack 👏
by puremarketing | Nov 2, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Ideology, Learning Difficulties
Jack is Back!
Blog #3 in Jack’s series on the importance of language covers the area of Total Communication. Never heard of it before? Neither had we – allow Jack the Master to expand your knowledge once more.