by puremarketing | Aug 29, 2021 | Business of Tutoring, Education, Getting Clients, Interviews, Online Tutoring, Strategies
The next instalment of our podcast transcript service, brought to you by the one and only Jack Simmonds.
Read on to find out more about the importance of having a coach as a tutor, how reading is crucial to learning success and what the word ‘tutorpreneur’ actually means!
by puremarketing | Aug 25, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Learning Difficulties, Strategies
Kayleigh Crouch, Director of Bright Sparks Tutors, pens a thorough account of what it means to work with a student with low confidence, and how you can support them.
Rich with references to the literature, this practical guide should act as your accompaniment to any tutoring session.
by puremarketing | Aug 19, 2021 | Business of Tutoring, Education, Getting Clients, Interviews, Online Tutoring
Thank you once again to Jack Simmonds for taking the time to make the Qualified Tutor Podcast as accessible as possible.
This week, it’s Manfred Olbrich, Co-Founder of LessonWise.
by puremarketing | Aug 19, 2021 | Coronavirus, Education, Interviews, Love Tutoring Festival, Online Tutoring
Thank you to Jack Simmonds (once again) for creating these important transcripts of our wonderful podcasts.
Have a read and click through the links!
by puremarketing | Aug 18, 2021 | Challenges, Education, Interviews, Strategies
To make our podcast as open and accessible as possible, we continue to transcribe our episodes (thank you Jack Simmonds!).
by puremarketing | Aug 17, 2021 | Coronavirus, Education, Exams, Online Tutoring
A lot has been said about the nature of this year’s GCSE and A level results. Richard pierces the conversation with an important discussion of what it means to have ‘done well’ this year.