by puremarketing | Apr 22, 2021 | Education, Ideology, Strategies
In the third of this 4-part series on behaviour, Jack again challenges us to question how we act. What we do matters but this doesn’t have to daunt you as a tutor – in fact, it can be the start of something special with your student, just like our 2 favourite hobbits …
by puremarketing | Apr 21, 2021 | Education, Ideology, Strategies
In the second of the 4-part series, Jack Simmonds challenges us to question our own perceptions about behaviour in our students. Take, for example, the old stereotype of the distracted student rocking on their chair: are they really distracted, or are they trying to tell us something?
by puremarketing | Apr 20, 2021 | Education, Ideology, Strategies
In the first of a 4-part series on the importance of understanding behaviour in our students, Jack Simmonds kicks us off with a helpful analogy from man’s best friend …
by puremarketing | Apr 13, 2021 | Education, Ideology
In the next of a series of blogs on what we love about tutoring and how you can fall in love with it, Julia assesses the importance of a tutor’s commitment. Acknowledging how tricky tutoring can be, Julia combines encouragement and advice in this bit-size piece …
by puremarketing | Apr 10, 2021 | Community, Education, Resources
Do you want to learn more about our Level 3 Qualification? Daniel Dipper, one of our first graduates from the Level 3 Qualification, gives his assessment of what he’s learnt from this course, including the power of community and the level of feedback he received from his cohort
by puremarketing | Apr 6, 2021 | Education, Ideology, Learning Difficulties
But how do we know what our product is as tutors? Yes, we assist students with their learning, but what does that look like? If you’ve ever wondered this, Julia will go some way to providing an answer, as well as a few tips for the future …