If you are around the Qualified Tutor Community, you will have seen Michael’s name crop up at least once.

He is connecting with us from Canada to share pearls of business wisdom with us. If you are anything like me (and past-Michael), you might be feeling like there’s nothing you can handle in terms of doing the tutoring. But selling the tutoring… another story entirely.

In the community, Michael shares scenarios and encourages us to think about how we might approach them from a business perspective. He is keen to engage and makes time to get to know community members personally. He recently shared a launch Success Checklist in the Community for members to use as a framework for thinking about why we might start a tutoring business:

  1. Be mindful of why you are beginning this endeavour. 
  2. Be prepared with a framework and roadmap for success.
  3. Embrace small victories and overcome small adversities. 
  4. Understand the power of relationships in both launching and evolving your tutoring business. You are working with a family’s VIP(s). 
  5. Understand the needs of your clients. Ask, listen, and learn.  
  6. Be good to yourself, value your worth and your services.

Michael is a strategist, he has made the business of tutoring his business and he is generous with his knowledge and his time. He is running a 5-Day Challenge in the Community and he is running a session at 3pm BST on Tuesday 29th June.

You can grab your ticket to this free event by visiting qualifiedtutor.org/lovetutoringfestival and registering today.

Hopefully we will see you there – in Michael’s own words, make it a great day!

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