Judy has been a primary school teacher, a head of Maths in a prep school and a secondary school teacher, as well as having 10 years of private tuition experience, with her new and improved website and business structure, JMB Educational Services Ltd, launching only recently. In her own words:

Above all, this [being a Maths tutor] gives me a unique viewpoint in which I have a deep understanding of how each topic builds cyclically upon itself, and I can identify missing knowledge or skills or misconceptions, fill those gaps and raise attainment.

Judy specialises in working with students who are less conventionally academic, often with a combination of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, ADHD, or who are on the Autistic Spectrum, so her session on “Maths Anxiety and Dyscalculia: The How and the Why for Tutors” on Monday 28th June at 2pm BST is one I’m keen to see! 

Dyscalculia (dyslexia for numbers) isn’t as well-known as some other SENDs but being a Maths tutor, I come across it in my students. But even students who don’t have any SEND diagnosis get stressed out and anxious about Maths, which can often be an inherited attitude from parents, who may also have struggled. 

This will be a really useful session if you tutor Maths, or a Maths-based subject, at any level. Judy will help us understand why students struggle with Maths, both in being anxious with Maths, and having dyscalculia, as well as giving us practical strategies in place to support the learning of these students.

I’m really looking forward to learning from Judy’s experience and expertise.

You can grab your ticket to this free event by visiting qualifiedtutor.org/lovetutoringfestival and registering today.

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