Raising standards in tutoring, together
The Leading Professional Development Community for Tutors
Qualified Tutor is a UK-based community dedicated to providing everything tutors need to be safe, skilled and supported.
Membership from £23.99/month
Introduction to Qualified Tutor Membership
Develop your practice, enhance your pedagogy and set yourself apart with our suit of resources designed to elevate every professional tutor.
Stay safe with Qualified Tutor’s DBS checks, training, and supervision.
Upskill with Qualified Tutor’s CPD, expert courses, training, and credentials.
Stay supported with Qualified Tutor’s community, mentoring, networking, and development.
I can’t imagine my journey as a tutor without this incredible organisation. The support, encouragement, and sense of community it provides are truly invaluable. Having a network of amazing, talented tutors just a click away, along with our weekly conversations that inspire growth and reflection, makes such a difference. The wealth of CPD opportunities available keeps us learning and evolving, and the dedication of those leading the way ensures we always feel valued, safe, and supported. I’m so grateful that QT exists—it’s more than just a platform; it’s a lifeline for tutors like me!
Ready to Apply?
Qualified Tutor membership is for dedicated professionals. You’ll meet Julia or Odette to discuss your values, experience, and approach. If we agree you’re a good fit, you’ll be invited to join. Membership offers tutor training, networking, and support to help you grow and excel in your tutoring career.
Blog for Professional Tutors
Perfectionism in Education
Perfectionism is a term spoken about much, but little time has been spent reflecting on where it comes from and the consequences of having a perfectionist mindset. On the surface, perfectionism sounds ideal in the sense of wanting to do your best all the time. And for...
Love Tutoring Festival: Mastery Learning, with Mary Myatt
Jack Simmonds gives you more than a few reasons to attend Mary Myatt’s Mastery Learning event on Wednesday 30th July at the Love Tutoring Festival.
Failing My A-Levels Was the Best Thing That Could Have Happened to Me
The title needs little explanation, yet this is about as far from clickbait as possible. Clio writes with honesty, intelligence and more than a splash of humour. An important read for anyone with an ADHD diagnosis … but a must read for anyone without
The Birth of Qualified Tutor
Julia Silver, Founder of Qualified Tutor, delivers a powerful origin story. Training and professionalism in tutoring are here to stay – Qualified Tutor will be there for you all the way.
Resilience: What it is and what it isn’t
Amanda Cremona has been an integral part of the QT Community since the very early days. Here, Amanda shares a powerful story of resilience; one which contains a level of vulnerability and honesty that we rarely see in the online sphere in this day and age. Read on to be inspired by Amanda’s journey
4 Simple Strategies to Build Engagement
Welcome to Love Tutoring: a new series of simple and practical guidance videos, blogs and podcasts, produced in collaboration with Learncube. Here, Julia lays out the strategies that yield the best results for engaging students from the very first session.
What do tuition companies actually do?
Qualified Tutor is joined by agency leaders, Georgina Green and Johnny Manning, and TTA President, John Nicols, to discuss the role that tuition companies have in today’s industry, as well as aims and objectives for the future.
7 Steps to Success as a Tutor
Off the back of a hugely successful conversation with Mike Michalowicz on the Qualified Tutor Podcast, we decided to summarise Mike’s 7 key points for tutors.
Making use of the power of the QT Community
Being a private tutor can be very lonely. I’ve been a tutor for a long time and I’ve worked alone. I have made mistakes, learnt from them, had problem students and learned how to deal with them. All on my own. Until now …