Tutoring Blog
The Qualified Tutor Blog explores insights, shares expertise, and encourages thoughtful reflection, fostering curiosity, generosity, and professional growth in tutoring.
The Manning’s guide to punctuality Or: how to not be late. By Johnny Manning, Manning’s Tutors
Before I even start typing I can already sense the eye-rolling sighs of tutors who believe themselves to be punctual and that they don’t need Manning’s to tell them how to manage every little part of their job. After all, isn’t it simple? You set off with more time...
Accredit Your Course with Qualified Tutor
If you have created training that you believe is of value to tutors, then we want to accredit it. The accreditation process is simple. It is designed to provide quality assurance and increase your reach. We evaluate your course against the QT Transformational Training...
Hybrid Events Promote Diversity and Inclusivity
I just received this email from a well-known events company whose events were free to attend until now: ‘Non-exhibiting and non-sponsoring companies that sell solutions to the education market will pay from £650 to attend’ Now, I understand that commercial decisions...
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