Tutoring Blog
The Qualified Tutor Blog explores insights, shares expertise, and encourages thoughtful reflection, fostering curiosity, generosity, and professional growth in tutoring.
‘Learning First, not Teaching First’: Creating the Link Between Research & Teaching in Practice, and the Crucial Role of Memory, with Cognitive Science Expert, Sarah Cottingham: Podcast Transcript
Often, and for too long, the link between cutting-edge research into education and actual education in practice has been too distant, too fractured. Sarah Cottingham is here to change that.
“A Powerful Tool for Focus”: What Tutors Can Learn from the Success of Rewards Programmes in Schools, with Founder of Great Little Rewards, Katie Tyndale: Podcast Transcript
Incentivising students is something all parents and educators have grappled with. Katie Tyndale has created a solution. Great Little Rewards works with schools to motivate children to model good behaviours, and now it’s time tutors take part too.
What You Need to Know about Psychology in Learning: A Deep-Dive into the Latest Research in Memory, Motivation & Metacognition, with Psychologist, Author and Director of Inner Drive, Bradley Busch: Podcast Transcript
Explaining tricky concepts in simple terms is no easy task, particularly for an educator. Bradley Busch has made it his mission to do just that … for educators.
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