Tutoring Blog

The Qualified Tutor Blog explores insights, shares expertise, and encourages thoughtful reflection, fostering curiosity, generosity, and professional growth in tutoring.

Creating a Values-Driven and EQ-Led Education Business for Students and Mentors: The Story Behind Oppidan Education, with Founders Henry Faber and Walter Kerr: Podcast Transcript

Henry Faber and Walter Kerr came together to build Oppidan Education 6 years ago. Their journey has led them to become one of the most exciting and ambitious education business in the UK, and has helped develop the lives and careers of hundreds of mentors and hundreds more students.

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The Reality of the ‘New Normal’

Anthonia Eddo is the Founder of Leading Lingual, which caters for the language skills and needs of students around the world. As someone who’s seen the rise of online learning first hand, Anthonia is well acquainted with the stresses and strains contained within.

Here, Anthonia challenges us to consider what the ‘new normal’ really means for education, and whether the theories and philosophies of a certain American educational reformer from the 20th century can help us implement a new future for education.

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From Head Teacher to Head Tutor: Key Lessons Learnt Along the Way and How We Ensure Mental Health (for Student & Tutor) Stays at the Forefront, with Founder of MyTutorElite, David Bell: Podcast Transcript

David Bell is an inspiration to us all. As a former teacher and headteacher for over 18 years, fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching and now founder of a new tutoring business, David has seen it all in education.

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