Tutoring Blog
The Qualified Tutor Blog explores insights, shares expertise, and encourages thoughtful reflection, fostering curiosity, generosity, and professional growth in tutoring.
Helping You Put Profit First in Your Business, with Profit First Certified Master, Susanne Mariga: Podcast Transcript
Dive into the world of Profit First, with Susanne Mariga: a Profit First Certified Master and author of ‘Profit First for Minority Business Enterprises’.
This conversation will 10x your business approach and the way in which you view profit in the framework of your business strategy.
Oh and Susanne is also the Founder of the hugely successful accountancy firm Mariga CPA, based in Houston.
Learning Languages from Home: Tips and Advice from the Experts on Self-Paced vs Teacher-Led Language Learning
In this collaborative article, we hear from 8 language experts about how they learn from home and what tips they have for studying and revising languages.
Thank you to all those who contributed to this collaborative piece.
Language Matters #3: The Principle of Total Communication
Jack is Back!
Blog #3 in Jack’s series on the importance of language covers the area of Total Communication. Never heard of it before? Neither had we – allow Jack the Master to expand your knowledge once more.
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