There are so many online resources, whether they’re apps, online programs or printable worksheets. Here’s some favourites I can recommend:


Rapid Typing is a free download (not great on apple products). It’s a progressive system which will teach your children (or you…) how to touch type effortlessly.

Times tables:

Timestables Rockstars is everyone’s favourite timestables program at the moment. They’ve very kindly offered free usage during the coronavirus pandemic.

If you want to take it off-screen, try making your own worksheets on You can select which timestables to test and how many questions on a sheet. It’s very easy to use and will generate a new test each time. Tip: let your child race against a timer to keep them motivated.

Teach them to cheat. This 9 times table trick is simple to teach and feels very naughty.


It can be fantastically motivating to work through a project. Twinkl has some great projects and have very kidly waived their fees during the coronavirus pandemic. Try this project, traditionally for Year 6 post-SATs allows your child to use their maths skills to design their own themepark. Or this project, also for Y6 post-SATs where they describe a made-up island.

Tip: Keep all their work together in a folder so they feel a sense of purpose. It can be really demoralising to see your work go straight into the recyling bin before lunch.

Online Maths Tutoring: Matr charge £9.99/ session. Their tutors are well-trained and the material is excellent. Well worth a fre trial.

STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Frugal Fun 4 Boys is an incredible website with activities that aren’t too complicated and really work. Let them get stuck in.


Don’t forget that PE is part of the curriculum, and dancing always cheers us up. Check out Frances England for family-friendly good vibes.

I will add more suggestions over the next few days – and please share yours below!

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