Ludo Millar
Hello, and welcome to the Qualified Tutor Podcast, the podcast that brings you the latest in the world of tutoring EdTech and education and hopefully inspires in us a big change that each and every one of us is capable of.

Qualified Tutor is an industry-leading tutor training organisation and an online tutoring community for 1000s of tutors around the world. This podcast is the voice of this community, where we aim to hear from tutors, teachers, entrepreneurs, coaches, business experts, students, tutor printers, and more from the world of tutoring about what inspires them every day, how they can help tutors like you and what they’ve learned about tutoring along the way.

The question is, what will you learn today?


Ludo Millar 1:52
Hello, and welcome to the 133rd episode of the Qualified Tutor Podcast. My name is Ludo Millar, the host of this podcast. Welcome back to regular listeners. Welcome to any of you for whom this is your first time listening to the Qualified Tutor Podcast and a very warm welcome to today’s guest, Arthur Moore. Arthur, welcome to the podcast.

Arthur Moore 3:07
Thanks for having me, Ludo. It was always my dream to be on the 133rd episode. I was offered to come on the 132nd. I wasn’t interested, all about this one [LAUGHS].

Ludo Millar 3:16
And we couldn’t wait another week. [LAUGHS] Yeah, so this is as we were just talking about before, Arthur normally sits on my side of the podcasting space, as host of his own podcast, which we will definitely be getting into a little bit later on. But today he sits on the guest side. So I wonder if I will be the recipient of any questions today. If you notice a sort of co-hosting, no guests format today listeners, then that’ll be why.

But I’m sure many of you will have heard of Arthur through his work, both as a private tutor and as a co-host of the TandTeaching podcast along with Mike Harowell. But for those of you who haven’t come across Arthur, he graduated with an MA in Education, taught as a secondary maths tutor for a number of years, having joined the Teach First programme in 2014 and then ventured over to Southeast Asia to Thailand and taught in Thailand for several years before coming back to the UK just before lockdown. He then became head of year in a school in 2019 and turned to tutoring that year. And as I just mentioned, has since launched the TandTeaching podcast to help understand the teaching and tutoring spaces a little bit more along with his co-host Mike Harrowell. So Arthur, thank you very much for joining us today. What is giving you reason to smile today, Arthur?

Arthur Moore 4:57
What a lovely question. Thanks for that, Ludo. So, what’s giving me reason to smile today? To start the conversation off the day with a chat with a fellow tutor, Charlotte Watson. And then I’m getting to continue to chat about tutoring and education with yourself. So what’s putting a smile on my face is talking about education, you’ve given me a chance to talk about education. So I’m happy.

Ludo Millar 5:21
So you’re grabbing it with both hands? Well, the link TandTeaching podcast will be in the show notes. So listeners, at the end of this podcast, that is really your next step is to go and check out all the times that Arthur and Mike have talked about education. But as regular listeners will know, we like to start this podcast with a segment that takes our guests and our listeners back to the beginning. So Arthur, I gather with a bit of rummaging and a bit of discussion with your partner, you were able to recall a few tales and learnings from your school days. Is that right?

Arthur Moore 6:00
Yeah. So when you mentioned we were going to do this, Ludo, I had to do my reflective time of going for a walk or for a random think about so I think my education story was very generic. I went to a very generic primary school, the one down the road where a bunch of us would meet up and walk down to our primary school. My teachers would probably have described me and I’m sure they did as a ‘good kid’. I did not like being told off [LAUGHS]. So I did as I was told, I wouldn’t describe myself as one of the cool kids. I was very happy kind of when it was Maths class, that was the kind of student I was. I then, again, went to a very standard state comp for my secondary school, my partner would have described, she went to a different secondary school nearby, she would describe that secondary school as ‘rough’. I would describe it is ‘quite nice’ compared to the other option.

So it was, again, one of those classic secondary schools, where if you’re in it, it was fine. But other people probably looked at it and went, “Oh, that’s a bit of a rough school”. It was not a rough school. When Amy Cudmore listens to this … again, my teachers would describe me as a very probably a goody two-shoes. I didn’t like getting told off, did as he was told, sat in the front of the room, listened to class. Again, it was all about maths and drama for me, Ludo, they were my two kinds of things that I wanted to do. They were my passions at school. Looking back on that school, I found it really easy. And it probably wasn’t easy. So maybe I was just being really lazy. But I just did what I had to do, especially in maths, sitting in the back of a room by myself with a textbook, because I had to teach myself a course, because the other kids were probably misbehaving and I was a bit of a bod, I would have been called a bit of a bod at school just wanting to get on.

So after my GCSE results, this is my first favourite story. So I’m a mathematician, Ludo, that’s what I like to do. But I did do German at GCSE, languages aren’t my forte. And I probably again didn’t put the effort in I should have, I managed to get a B and I went in to get my results. And I opened up, got a B. And I was very happy with this, like very happy to even have passed. And the head of languages came up to me. She looked me in the eye and she went, “Arthur, you’ve got a B”. I just wanted to say and she said, “Arthur, that is a disgrace to the subject and the language I love and the fact you’ve got a B, I feel ashamed. I’m happy for you. But I’m ashamed of my subject that they have recognised your ability in German with a B”. And that’s always stuck with me to succeed, and to be told by a teacher, my succeeding was not welcomed by her as a teacher. So that was good.

I then moved to a different school for 6th Form, which is where I met my partner and the lovely school because it wasn’t as rough as Roding Valley. And again, Ludo, this is because I came from the ‘rough’ school, my other subject was History that I loved. And again, I remember this was the first lesson of the year. Year 12 with a new school, excited. Now all the kids from my school were made to stand up and we came to the front of room and our History lesson by our teacher who I will not name. And he told us in front of the whole class that because we were from the school I went to, we were already behind all his fantastic kids. And we were already behind and we were not very good at History. He then asked us to tell the rest of the class our grades in front of a whole class and wasn’t very happy when it went A, A*, A*, A, A*, B but I never forgot that I’d been humiliated in front of a whole class because of the teacher’s perception of me, before I had even done anything. 6 months down the line, that would have been fine. But no, he had already made his judgment upon me as a student based on what he had seen on his piece of paper on his desk. And that annoyed me and it still annoys me now. I’m getting annoyed just talking about it.

But Lu do, at that school, I was one of those kids who did Further Maths so we did Maths and Further Maths. So we basically became a world unto ourselves, Ludo. So it’d be like we did Maths, we stayed in Maths, did Further Maths. We then went the library to do the Maths homework. I remember one time on a Friday night, I’d gotten home, packed my bag, came downstairs to my mom dad and went, “Well, you gotta know, I’m going around to a friend’s to do my Maths homework”. And they laughed at me, Ludo. They laughed at me and said, “Okay, of course you are. Here’s some money for a taxi if you need it. Remember to call us, whatever”. I was like, “No, genuinely I’m going around a friend’s house doing my Maths homework there”. “Okay. Sure you are. Just make sure you call us tomorrow when you come back”. I was like, “Look in my bag. It’s literally Maths textbooks”. I still think they think I was like, dude.

Ludo Millar 11:00
I want a shoulder of vodka. [LAUGHS]

Ludo Millar 11:02
And no, yeah, yeah, there was a calculator. [LAUGHS] So that’s my schooling in a nutshell, which is basically, I liked Maths. So I did lots of Maths. And the other kids probably judge me because I was one of the people who did Maths.

Ludo Millar 11:27
Yeah. The number of times a guest on this podcast a) tells us that they were a bit of a nerd, bit of someone that would traditionally have liked to do the homework and finished it early and given it back to the teacher and asked for more, and b) the number of guests who say there was this one teacher who either had a really positive or negative impact. You know, it’s amazing the number of times that a teacher has influenced the way that that we think, a particular teacher and and there is a responsibility to that, isn’t there, when we later go on to become educators ourselves. There’s an understanding there that we do hold an important place in the minds of our students. And we can’t forget that and it shouldn’t burden us. But it shouldn’t be something we forget either. And I love the way that that initial question brings out a little bit about why our guest has gone on to become what they’ve become.

Arthur Moore 12:27
I should also have alluded to, there was also a teacher. So when I went to this school that I was, I suppose starting to rebel against, not rebelling in a typical sense of going out drinking or anything like that, rebelling by being a bit arrogant. An arrogant 17-year-old who would have heard of it. And in one of my first Further Maths classes, the teacher called me out on being a bit too arrogant, but she had a completely different way of doing it to the other teacher. She did it in private. And she spoke honestly to me and it was after she got to know me for a bit and she was the best teacher I’ve ever had. And I will name her Miss Grigsby because she was phenomenal. So when I look back on teaching, those two teachers who called me out maybe on something but one did it in such a way that they inspired me to go and be better. She was awesome. And one person who’d done it because he made a judgment on me based on what he thought of me rather than what I’d actually done.

Ludo Millar 13:23
Wow, absolutely amazing comparison there between those two types and those two reflections on how to approach a situation, Arthur, thank you. Now do you think that the loving school, the goody two-shoes part, coupled with the injustice that you felt was meted out to you by some teachers, do you think that led you on to become an educator? Do you think that was written in the stone? I mean, what is your why as an educator?

Arthur Moore 13:55
So really, really not. My mum was a primary teacher and I was told pretty clearly to never be a teacher, and I never wanted to be a teacher. I went to uni and my undergrad was in Management and Strategy with Integrated Placement. Yeah, catchy title, I know. And during that I had no idea what I wanted to do. And during that school, I went and worked for a year from Microsoft as part of the integrated placement year. And for about a month, I was like, this is brilliant working in a big company. Isn’t this exciting? And then I realised I didn’t really like it at all. It just didn’t sit with who I was as a person. So I knew fairly quickly on that I didn’t want to go down that world of corporate stooge, maybe. And I’m sure there are corporate stooges listening to this podcast and no offence, but that world wasn’t for me. So I then went back and finished my degree, and I basically had no idea what I wanted to do. And my partner who I was living with by that time was trained. I was trained to be a teacher and I think I just went fine. I’ll do that. And I went toTeach First because Teach First got you in the classroom nice and quickly. And that’s how I kind of fell into education. So that’s kind of like rather than, you’re not gonna get a story from me, like, I used to sit around with my toys as a 5-year-old and take the register. No, that’s not me, I became an educator, because basically, I didn’t know what else I wanted to do. And I’m very grateful for that lack of drive [LAUGHS].

Ludo Millar 15:27
It keeps it nice and open and, you know, flexible and also kind of allows you to keep reflecting on that, and working out whether that is still the right thing for you. I mean, you went through the Teach First programme, you became a teacher, left to teach abroad and now you’re a tutor, you know, it’s not like you become an educator, and that is one role and then if you don’t want that, then you have to go and become something else. So yeah, it’s fascinating to see those journeys.

And now your journey has taken you to a new part of the education world, which is what we might call kind of ‘edu media’, you know, edutwitter, edupodcasting, that kind of thing. I think it’s obviously a key part of what you do today, it’s a great way for you to spread your own name and your own work, as well as to give people that wonderful value add every single day. And so I wanted to talk, we wanted to talk, a little bit about this and I’m going to open this question up to you because you are the knowledgeable one, and also, my guest today. So could you tell us a little bit more about how you got into the world of podcasting and edu media. And then we’ll talk a little bit about the value of that and the power of that after.

Arthur Moore 16:46
So I think my story is a really, really typical one from the edu podcasters I talk to. There was a time where me and my co-host, Mike Harowell, were living in different countries. But we wanted to keep having our conversations that we used to have about education that we used to have in the staff room over cups of tea, maybe on a run something like that, we always have those conversations, and we said let’s have a chat about teaching. And we’ll put it out as a podcast. And we did that because we’re both kind of podcast nerds. I’m a massive podcast nerd, like I listen to a silly amount of podcasts ranging like from anything, I will listen to it. My partner’s always chastising me for saying a sentence that begins with, “Oh, I was listening to a podcast the other day …” So I’m going to do a podcast because I like podcasts.

And we very quickly realised that it was basically the best CPD we were having. And what we were doing is just talking about conversation, talking about teaching with a focus allowed us to re-explore these areas. And then we started getting guests on the pod. And then we realised, like, this is phenomenal. We’re starting to talk to people who know so much about education and what they do, and we get to learn from them. And the only price of that is we have to share that conversation with others. And we always say on the pod, like we’re just doing the pod basically for our own CPD. And then hopefully we can share those conversations and other people getting stuff out of it. But I don’t know if that’s the same for you. Like, if you started the pod because you wanted to do it, it wasn’t because you were like, “Oh, I hope it spreads my name out there”?

Lud o Millar 18:19
Yeah, it’s kind of a bonus isn’t it, is how far it spreads. But the truth is the listener size and how many downloads you’re getting a month is not as important as the value that the people who are listening are getting. And I think that’s what your podcast very much does, every single episode adds, brings in someone who knows a great deal about education. Or if it’s just the two of you talking, then it’s just two experienced educators talking about what they know. I mean, we’ve talked before about the ongoing CPD element of it. Do you have any kind of clear examples of where that ongoing CPD element has really been the most focused, I mean, where you really felt that like that is something that there’s a little nugget of information from your podcast that listeners have just learned?

Arthur Moore 19:19
So the ones that really stand out for me are normally based around cognitive science, which is like just such a massively growing topic in the world of education. But it was something I’d never been really exposed to when I was training in the early days of my teaching, I only really came really started thinking about it after 3-4 years in the profession, and I noticed that it was having a change upon my teaching in the class and when I was a classroom teacher, and then as a tutor, I was realising like I wanted to keep bettering myself purely as a teacher, taking out the business side of it that I know listeners think a lot about taking back like the tech side of it, like how can I teach better and one of the early episodes that really stood up for me was with Jade Pearce, who is just a phenomenal educator, a phenomenal researcher, who knows so much. And we just had a generic chat about cognitive science and research-based education. And she really made me realise that I can make small changes to myself as a teacher and how I do things that have a big impact.

And then we had her later on, to do with questions. So if we do a really specific topic, just like waiting time when asking a question. So as a teacher, I think there’s always pressure on you to fill the silence, especially as a trained teacher, we don’t like silences. And as a tutor, I think there’s a big pressure to not have silences, a parent or whoever is paying you to do some teaching, Oh, I’d better be teaching. And if I’m not talking, I’m not teaching. Whereas what the science really tells us is, our brain needs time to process things. It needs time to reconsider things. And what Jade said to us is, learning is difficult. And other people have said that in the pod like Bradley Busch, Ross McGill, he’s brilliant, brilliant educators, learning is difficult. And it takes the brain time to think about these things. And having hearing that really so clearly, in a conversation one-to-one with someone like I’ve really felt myself as a tutor, putting these pauses in and letting the student think so rather than even jumping in to ask a question, no, but let’s really wait and give their brain that time to go into their long-term memory, retrieve that information, and try and process it before we start trying the question. So that’s a really specific thing of like, waiting time when asking a question has, and I can see the benefits and I can give you a few ones. But that’s the one that straight away it stands out for me is something I’ve directly learned from being involved in a pod.

Ludo Millar 21:53
So how long should I wait after I’ve asked you a question on this podcast before interrupting if I don’t hear from you? [LAUGHS]

Arthur Moore 22:01
Well, it depends upon the question you’re asking. If you’re asking a factual question, if you’re asking for my name, that’s not something that I should have to pause about. But if you’re asking me to reflect upon like you did there, if you’re asking me to reflect upon something that means something to me, I need to process that. And there’s a reason, isn’t there Ludo, that you’ve sent me some of these questions, the topics we’re going to explore beforehand. You did it so I had time to process those thoughts. So your pod doesn’t start with, “Hi, this is Arthur. Talk to us about your education. Give me a moment …” and then you have two minutes of silence, and then I come back. So it’s different for each type of question. Are you doing a factual recall question? Are you trying to apply that knowledge? But the typical time, I learned this from Bradley Busch, the typical time a teacher gives a student to answer a question is less time it takes a Formula 1 team to change 4 tyres in a Formula 1 car and that makes no sense. We need to give a bit more time. So however much time you’re giving, give a little bit more is basically what I took away.

Ludo Millar 23:01
And they change those tyres as fast as they can

Arthur Moore 23:05
Yeah, I’m a big F1 fan, and I hope people appreciated that analogy [LAUGHS]. And yeah, they do it really fast. I can’t even think of my name, in the time they change the tire. So we need to give our students a bit longer to process those thoughts, like learning is difficult. And we as the experts in our subject often forget that our students are novices. And they are. They are learning, they are having to recall loads of information. They haven’t automated the processes that we have, as a Maths teacher, but I need to remind myself- quadratic formula that I was teaching last night, but my student is still substituting those values and they haven’t automated that process, it is going to take them longer to do something that I have automated. If you think about learning to drive, if you think that when you were learning to drive, the simple things took ages, because you were still learning to do them. But as an experienced driver, I don’t think about changing gear. But I really did think about changing gear when I was having my lessons and we need to remember that with our students.

Ludo Millar 24:09
Absolutely. So I mean, one of the questions, one of the issues that we have when thinking about podcasting is that we use the Qualified Tutor Podcast as a way to, as you say, disseminate really useful nuggets of information from the top experts in their field. And I think I’ve talked about this before, I think the fact that a lot of what our guests say to our listeners is not taking our listeners from point A to some point B that’s a long way in the distance that would require some huge lifestyle change. They are taking or they are improving our listeners’ thinking on a particular subject in such a way that requires small, manageable steps that can be implemented that day or in the next session, and that, as you say, have those big effects in education, the small changes have a big effect in your teaching. That is what I think that the power of podcasts is. But apart from the ongoing CPD element, what else does podcasting have to benefit the education space in whatever way you see that?

Arthur Moore 25:29
So quite often, our podcast is mainly focused at teachers and schools, I know your podcast’s main focus is tutors, the problem will be the same as here. We quite often get siloed into the information spheres that we live in. So if I work in a school, right, the information I get is within that school quite often unless I go looking elsewhere. So people band around ideas, but those ideas, they kind of stay in that silo. And it’s the same with tutors, especially if you’re an independent tutor like myself. The only ideas sometimes have to work off on my own. So then I can go down the rabbit hole of my own ideas. And I think what educational podcasts can do is they take you out of your own, you can call it comfort zone, but they take you out of your own sphere of influence, and expose you to other ideas. And sometimes it ‘s just that exposure to start with that makes you think, “Oh, that was interesting. I’ll go and look at this. Oh, then I’ll look at this”. And then you can get more information. But I think that’s one of the magics of podcasts is they can be about anything. I’m sure episode #132 was very different to episode #133, which will be very different to episode #134. And that’s the magic of- your listeners will be getting these little bits of information from outside of their silos that they live in. And who knows where that might lead to.

So I think that’s the absolute core of an educational podcast. But what it does that maybe formalised, CPD sessions can’t, what books can’t, is it brings you into a conversation. And hopefully, people who listen to our respective podcasts, they don’t just feel like they are listening to us talking, that they’re part of that conversation. And that’s a really powerful thing, to be part of the community. And it’s great when you listen to someone on a pod who you respect, give you a recommendation, you want to go and do that, because you listen to their opinion. But also when you listen to someone, maybe you don’t know, [and it] brings a new idea. So it’s this brilliant thing of just bringing new people and ideas into your head, even if you disagree with them, that’s getting you thinking, and just thinking is awesome.

Ludo Millar 27:44
That could be the title of this podcast [LAUGHS], Thinking is Awesome with Arthur Moore. Yeah, I mean, those are absolutely vital points. And I think added to that is the logistical part of podcasting, isn’t it. Julia Silver, the founder of QT, she tells me she listens to our podcasts, I’m not sure if I totally know if she does or not … [LAUGHS] But when she listens, she says it’s while she’s making dinner or washing up or cleaning the house or going for a walk. And you can’t do that with necessarily a blog, or with a piece of live video content, of which the video is an important part of that. 

Arthur Moore 28:25
Yeh, everything’s accessible, and they can fit into your routine, rather than your routine having to fit into them. So if you want to do a CPD session, you’re like, “Oh, I have to make time to do that”. Whereas the podcast can fit in with your time. I listen to podcasts when I cook, when I walk, when I drive, all these places. And if I don’t change what I’m doing, because I’m listening to a podcast, I just change the podcast I’m listening to.

Ludo Millar 28:53
Now, I realise here that we are two podcasters sitting here talking about how amazing educational podcasts are. And not only that, but the people who are hearing the words that we’re saying right now will be people who probably listen to podcasts as well. What can we do, and I mean ‘we’ as in you and I but also every single one of you listening in now, if you have ideas on this question, please send them into the SpeakPipe link that will be in the show notes of this episode and every episode, in fact. What can we do as those in the education space who either create or listen to podcasts to bring more educators into the space to help people to find good podcasts?

Arthur Moore 29:42
I think it was interesting how you paused before you asked that question so you could give your brain time to think about how you’re going to word it [LAUGHS]. What can we do to spread the word? A podcast essentially, I think it’s as simple as spreading the word and that means this is not about go and write it on your blog, put it on your LinkedIn, put it on your Twitter. It’s about who relies on your opinions? If you share that opinion, who’s going to listen? So I recommend podcasts to people who I talk to who I think that podcast is going to appeal to them. And I think it’s about being specific.

So if I was going to recommend a podcast to you Ludo, I wouldn’t just recommend a podcast. I would think about what are you interested in? What do you want to learn more about and then maybe I’d recommend a podcast on that. So if you hear someone talking about, “I want to hear more about a real deep dive into some of the educational books I’ve been reading”, well go and listen to From Page To Practice, an educational podcast based on educational books. If you want a real deep dive into some pedagogical faults, well go and listen to Becoming Educated by Darren Leslie. If you’re really interested in primary education, go listen to The Dynamic Deputies. But it’s about recommending podcasts that are based on what people want to listen to. I think there’s also things you can do, I know schools share newsletters. I know TandTeaching has been shared in newsletters in schools and put up on staff noticeboards. And it’s the same for the tutoring community, isn’t it, we’ve got our virtual staff room, we’ve got our virtual notice boards. Let’s share the stuff we have found beneficial.

And then the last thing I’ll say is always recommend something you have listened to. I’ve heard it before where people go, “Oh, listen to this podcast” “Which episode?” “I don’t really know”. Be specific. Go listen to something if you think of something that could be beneficial to someone else. Go let that person know. It’s the same as we recommend Netflix, we recommend movies, we recommend TV shows all the time. We recommend them to different people at different times. Let’s do the same with podcasts. Podcasts is just another form of media. So let’s treat it as such.

Ludo Millar 31:53
Absolutely. And it shows that you care, you listen to that person’s needs as well, doesn’t it.


Ludo Millar 32:02
And now, a brief clip from last week’s guest, Misbah Iqbal, whose episode you can check out after this.

Misbah Iqbal 32:14
Thank you Ludo for giving me this amazing opportunity to be on the Qualified Tutor Podcast. This podcast helped me reiterate a lot of points that I had said and probably you know, when I say those again, it just reminds me of where I have to go and bigger things that I have to achieve. So thank you very much for that, I learned a lot from your vision, your passion of taking Qualified Tutor to every household. And probably this is what resonates with my vision of taking Eximus to every household in the UK too, so thank you for this amazing opportunity.

And for the next guest I would just like to say that every day starts with a new sunlight, a new optimism, a new way. And the reason why you’re here in this podcast is because universe paved the way for you to be here. So bigger things to achieve and higher skies to us.


Ludo Millar 33:22
Arthur, thank you for dissecting and pulling apart and maximising the understanding of edupodcasting. I think there is a great deal in there for people to work on. And as I said, and I know Mike and Arthur at the TandTeaching podcast have a SpeakPipe link as well. It’s an awesome little platform that you can head to on your laptop or on your phone and just submit a little audio clip straight to that podcast. So that’s a great way to contribute your thoughts about what can be done to spread the word of podcasting to as many educators, as many people as we know, it really does benefit everyone when there are more people involved.

Now, we are just coming to the end of this podcast’s typical runtime of about 30 minutes, listeners I know I do go over sometimes, I hope you don’t switch off after 30 minutes. But Arthur, we always end with one little question that looks to the future. And that question is what’s next for you? What’s next for Arthur Moore?

Arthur Moore 34:35
What’s Next for Arthur Moor e is also an excellent name for a podcast. Got loads of ideas today [LAUGHS]. I’m really passionate about education basically Ludo, so I’m not really sure where that passion is gonna take me. But basically I like talking about education. So if I get any opportunities to talk about education, that’s all always awesome. I know I’m doing my first conference talk at The Tutors’ Association Conference this year, I’ve done some live pods for some educational conferences. I’d really like to do more of that stuff because I like talking about education. Professionally, it’s for me to rethink how I can have a bigger impact upon the students I have, the students I’m going to work with in the future, but also the biggest sphere of education, which includes for me parents. So we often miss them out as a really crucial link in the whole way a child is learning so I’m also doing some parent workshops on how they can use cognitive science to have a bigger impact on their child’s learning. So basically, what’s next? Well for me, hopefully more stuff to do with education.

Ludo Millar 35:47
There it is. There it is. You can find out more about Arthur, follow his journey on LinkedIn. You can head to to find out more about the podcast or you can find it on Spotify, Apple, Amazon Music, YouTube, everywhere and their main channel is really Twitter they do as Arthur was just alluding to, there they do some live podcasts in Twitter Spaces and a great channel and reel there so head to Twitter and just type in TandTeaching. But Arthur if they want to get in touch with you, listeners want to get in touch with you straight after this, what is the best way they can get in touch with you?

Arthur Moore 36:32
If you’ve got me on LinkedIn, DM me, if not Just email me. I’m happy to chat just email me or get me on LinkedIn. And if you go on Twitter @TandTeaching, no offence to Mike, it’s normally me. So if you DM us on @TandTeaching on Twitter, it will probably be me who responds.

Ludo Millar 36:54
Look at that. Thank you so much Arthur for joining us here. Thank you listeners for checking in with the QT podcast once again. Next week, we will be speaking to Matt Green, who is otherwise known as the Rapping Science Teacher about his journey through music and education and growing his brand and growing his spreading of science, knowledge and tips and tricks on learning science for students through his TikTok page and YouTube channel there, so that’ll be a really good conversation with a wonderful guy in education, which we have also had today with Arthur Moore from TandTeaching. So Arthur, for one final time, thank you very very much for joining us.

Arthur Moore 37:39
Thank you so much for having me, Ludo. Have an awesome day.

Ludo Millar 37:41
You too. Cheerio then.


Ludo Millar

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